Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I quickly became frustrated in attempting to pick out a name for this blog. I tend to over think things. When I am assigned things like this, I tend to assume I have to have some sort of "deep" finished product. Maybe that's an attempt to try to convey how I think I am. As in, maybe that's how I hope I am. So I have intended not to make this something deep, but I guess I thought about it too much, because now I'm writing about not wanting to make this deep. And how my futile attempt to make this deep is really only me trying to make myself look deep. And that's something I don't think I should do. Or anyone should do. Can't I just be me? Why does this have to be deep? Can't I just make a silly blog to make a good grade on this assignment? ... What is "deep" anyway? I think deep is a relative term. It's relative to the individual. Why, someone who is very intellectual may very well be capable of thinking some pretty darn "deep" thoughts. But what about the thoughts of a less intellectual individual that stretch the bounds of that person's normal "deep" thoughts? Are those thoughts deep? In comparison of the intellectual person's deep thoughts, I suppose not. But relative to himself, his thoughts that stretch the bounds of his usual thoughts ought to qualify as "deep". That's how I see it anyway. And has this intellectual person any right to think his thoughts more deep than those deep thoughts of the less intellectual person? Certainly he may be correct in his thinking that his deep thoughts are more deep than that of his less brainy peer. But, relatively speaking, what if the specific thoughts of his that he is considering deep are only slightly more deep than his normal thoughts? His less cerebral friend's thoughts, however, are really stretching the usual bounds of his own normal brainwork. Can we then say, even though the thoughts of the more studious friend are in actuality "deeper", that the dumber patron's thoughts are "deeper"? I guess none of this actually matters; that is, assuming there is no accurate way to measure the deepness of one's thoughts.

Anyway... some names I wanted, but were already taken, usually by some waste-of-space blog, It went a little like this:

*30 minutes of thinking...*

gettingoverthesun - ah-ha!

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